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Removing Value Text from your PCBs

A step by step guide to removing the value text from your PCBs silkscreen

Mar 29, 2024
by Tom Castner Philadelphia, PA

Currently, by default, the FlashPCB service prints the value text from KiCad and Eagle onto the silkscreen of your PCB. While some folks may want to see this information on the PCB, many others don’t. Typically, these values are not printed because you may make changes to the BOM, such as transitioning from a 10k to a 49.9k pull-up resistor, and do not want to make alterations to the PCB. Additionally, as everything gets smaller, there is less and less room on the PCB for non-functional features like text. Moreover, it might just be a desire for a clean aesthetic; after all, the PCB would be completely functional without any silkscreen at all.

Generally, there are two approaches to removing the value text: deleting it or changing its layer. We will cover each one step by step here for Eagle and KiCad. We cover both in this video.

