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How do you say KiCad?

We have heard KiCad pronounced a couple of ways but which is the right one?

Dec 6, 2023
by Tom Castner Philadelphia, PA

We have heard KiCad pronounced a couple of ways but which is the right one? In speaking with customer we have heard three distinct pronunciations:

  1. k EE CAD or “key” CAD
  2. kaih CAD or “kai” CAD
  3. K-I-CAD

To better understand the correct pronunciation, we should look at the origin of the name KiCad. The original author of KiCad was Jean-Pierre Charras. According to an email from him the “Ki” part of the name has no meaning and was taken from the suggestion of friend whose company began with the letters “ki”. However, as Jean-Pierre Charras is French we can take the French pronunciation of KiCad (KEE-CAD) as correct!

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