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3 Day Lead Time!

When will your PCB ship?

Jan 29, 2024
by Tom Castner Philadelphia, PA

3 Day Lead Time

We are launching our 3 day service, helping you get your projects back on schedule, helping you get your products to market faster and helping unleash your innovation. Unlike other PCB manufacturing services our lead times are calculated to include time to acquire components and blank PCBs. The delivery date shown to you is the time it will actually ship from our facility here in Philadelphia, PA.

Our lead time is calculated based on business days, with our cutoff for the day at 4:00 PM EST. This means if you order a board before 4:00 PM on a Monday it will ship to you on Thursday of this same week and with overnight delivery should arrive on Friday. To see the data your order would ship visit flashpcb.com.

Our business day schedule does not include weekends and holidays. Our holiday schedule is based on the federally recognized holidays and the day after Thanksgiving. Below is the list of holidays FlashPCB will recognize in 2024:

Monday, January 01New Year’s Day
Monday, January 15Birthday of Martin Luther King, Jr.
Monday, February 19President's Day
Monday, May 27Memorial Day
Wednesday, June 19Juneteenth National Independence Day
Thursday, July 04Independence Day
Monday, September 02Labor Day
Monday, October 14Indigenous Peoples' Day
Monday, November 11Veterans Day
Thursday, November 28Thanksgiving
Thursday, November 29Thanksgiving
Wednesday, December 25Christmas Day